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Thank you so much Alice for these few days out of time. I am still moved and I don't have the words to say how good I felt, so happy to practice and to exchange with all these beautiful people. I feel soothed, present, in my body and in my mind. This retreat is such a precious memory, I make a special place for it in my head. Thank you for everything, thank you for your sweetness, your kindness, your infinite involvement, your kindness, all the laughter: your magic worked again, and it was beautiful


It was great to meet you in person, you are a beautiful person, thank you very much for these 4 days. I needed to disconnect completely and enjoy the moment and that's exactly what happened. Simple moments and beautiful meetings around yoga.
Thank you for everything


Thank you Alice, it was indescribable and magical!!! I can't wait for the next one! I am more than interested in May!


Again, a huge thank you Alice. I signed up for your retreat at a very difficult time in my life and I found everything I was looking for; peace, gentleness and lots of sharing.
All those moments with you and the group were magical and life-giving.
Thank you for everything; your good mood, your humor, your cooking, your flow... You are a sunshine!


A big thank you for everything Alice: this impeccable organization, these feasts that you prepared for us with the marvelous Anne and Manuela, for these magnificent flows of a great sweetness, these very beautiful meditative experiences, this cohesion that you created, your naturalness and your simplicity, and many other things. Thank you all again for these wonderful moments, exchanges, walks that we shared.
The experience would not have been the same without you all. I am still in heaven and I hope to see you again soon.


Dear Alice,
Just a quick note to thank you for this extraordinary and completely out of time weekend. I had never met anyone with such a determination to do good around her, such a willingness to share the beautiful and such generosity. Values that are rare nowadays but so precious. So yes, simply thank you. Thank you for having allowed me to escape from my daily life, to recharge my batteries, to learn to know myself better, to have the courage to believe in myself, that is priceless but so valuable. I leave stronger, more serene, I know where I am going.
See you soon, for sure.


It was also the first time I went somewhere alone. Even if it wasn't to the other side of the world, or even to the other side of France, it was such a big step for me. If you only knew.
When the lovely @alicegirardyoga, whose practice I admire so much, announced this 4-day retreat, I jumped at it. And I don't regret it.
During this weekend, I came back to the essential. I put down my restless mind, the worries of everyday life, and the difficulties I am going through, I turned off my phone and I opened this parenthesis, this bubble...
Surrounded by these 23 women, carried by their smiles, their energy, their benevolence, I did not feel alone for a second.
Between the practices on our mats, the aches and pains, the laughter and the tears, the moments suspended watching the chickens and the alpacas, the delicious vegan meals prepared by Alice, the discussions in the sun, the naps, the walks in the fields, the meditation and the writing, time passed so quickly. I lived fully in the "present moment", for real. The slow
I left with beautiful memories, and the desire to live other future retreats. And I'm proud of the path I've taken, I feel so grateful for it all.
Thank you again @alicegirardyoga for creating this beautiful light bubble that I took with me...


And then one take a great friend to a yoga retreat, a bubble of softness and poetry, a moment of well-being, a moment out of time,
a meeting with yourself, an exceptional teacher and above all, sharing all this with 23 great girls
I am full of gratitude towards life which leads me to all this discovery


Thank you Laetitia and Alice for having created this beautiful journey, I can't wait to spread my mat and add the beautiful movement and flow I experienced during this retreat!
I feel fulfill with beautiful memories, brunchs and incredible landscapes, and the mix of everything was perfect


I miss the laughs, the talks, the walking and flowing, all your souls, so dearlv!
Thank you endlessly for every single one of you and the things that we have shared 1
I cant the remember the last time i have felt so much love and acceptance and connection, really!
The whole day i am torn between tears coming back and smiles over my face, because of the endless thankfulness i feel
Thank you! And i know we will meet again and i cannot wait for that day to hug you very tight again.
Alice and Laëtidia, thank you for creating this space for us! Thank you


Such an indescriptible week we had.
Indescriptible feeling of happiness, gratitude and peace.
Words cannot express them enough,
The biggest thank you for this beautiful Journey that we will never forget


Thank you soooooo much for all of this!!!
As I already said, this trip was a real life-changing week!!
It was not a trip, it was not a retreat, neither some vacation, it was a real JOURNEY!
Incredible people, amazing family, it was awesome to share all of this together! I've never felt such vibes together, it's been a week but do much bonding!
Thank you so much for making this happening
I felt fulfilled of new good vibes, so inspired with this new beginning, and I know we'll stay a familv !!


it was an amazing week thank you all for all this magic and love, these shares, these laughs
it's true! it's so weird not to be with you tonight...
thank you Alice and Laetitia for everything
